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Tuesday, October 16, 2007


"Atas" means up there (高高在上), also can mean high class in Malay! It is not a English word!
Hiyoh, I had always tot it is English leh! Thank goodness I'm not in some programme which requires writing, else sure fail one!

atas- above; up; upon
atasan- superior or upper class
mengatasi- to overcome
teratas- the highest

Yesterday during HRM meeting, as usual we talked a lot of nonsense. Then we were on the topic of CCAs (or ECAs), and so they asked me what CCA I had.

Astro lor. Then they started whether asking me can see this and that blah blah blah. As usual, I made some fatal blunders again.

I said "Actually we can't see SOLARIS in Singapore" blah blah and then agitatedly mentioned the blurp in Fann Wong's drama which they claimed to see the star (obviously hacking off scenes from Winta Sonata)

Of coz we cannot see lah, there's no SOLARIS. It's POLARIS, the NORTH STAR!!!!!!

Somehow my astronomy knowledge somehow kenna mixed up with the Solaris computers I'm facing in my FYP lab, -_-"

TX saboh me to the class rep that I'm their (my team) F&B manager. What the... Heh heh, no doubt I chose the dinner location most of the times... :P coz the rest they all say "Anything" ma. My HRM class wanna have some class gathering. Seriously, dunno for wat lor. Yes, HRM has been an ordeal, but don't have to celebrate right? Just because we have a class rep doesn't mean we need class gathering what. Plus I really don't bond with the other people also. I wonder how many people actually up for this idea.

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