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Friday, October 19, 2007


With regards to this post, which we discuss about my English name, thinking of getting a more modernised one. Today I saw a variant of Janet, which is Janette, then prompted me to search, and found a few more variants: Janete, Jannette.

Presonally, I prefer Janette, coz Janete like pronounce as Ja-Ne-Te, and Jannette is like Jan-nette. Janette looks nicer too!

So I shall offically be Janette!

I hope somehow this will be a sign that I will not be the shortest among we 3 sisters. Even if Jamie is 0.5cm shorter, I also happy. Check out the length of the names vs the height:

Janette - 1.58m
Jacqueline - 1.65m
Jamie - still growing

Well, I have this worry because, apparently, our names in alphatbetical order already somehow showed the power we wield at home among each other:

Qi - biggest power (偶是老大, heh heh)
Min - moderate (You pple never see hear she verbally-bully Jia)
Jia - least power (the victim of verbal abuse)

But most of the time, it's the opposite:

Jia - control 2 schooling kids (ala Min & Me)
Min - tell Mum not to lend me money -_-
Qi - I dun even have control over myself, the devil of laziness is in me

So I don't want to be the bush with 2 trees beside me. (I stand between 2 tall guys today, darn uncomfortable!)

To Missy Ng: I recalled why I suddenly smiled during presentation already. When I said "Value Elements", I linked to BOS and recalled my nostalgic bread. Jiat Lat, memory fail big time, I smiled for what also forgot in a breeze.

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