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Saturday, October 13, 2007

How do you spend your time?

I was so proud of myself yesterday (Thursday) for completing 2 hours of online lectures and 0.5 question of tutorial 1 (is a drawing question, have to draw the top and side view of a CMOS inverter)

So I firmly told myself to wake up early (Friday, now is 0031, Sat) to do the remaining questions and complete more online tutorials.

I woke up at 2pm... kua kua kua. But then, I slept at 3am! So, 情有可原right?

However, I played games for 8 hours straight, -_-!!! Then followed by 2 hours of TV.

I'm gonna bath now and then continue my study. :P

I'm only 5000 neopoints away from my target: 500 000. After which, I will stop playing. I swear I will steer off Neopets after tomorrow.

Facebook (fluff)friends always cheat my money, don;t want to play already! Hmpf!

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