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Thursday, April 17, 2008


I know my blog has recently morphed into a box where I stashed my new found weight-loss/fat issues articles/group/people. Eh, the idea is stuck in my head, so I sourced around. Anyway... some (articles/blogs) I happened to tumbled upon one.

Turned out it is not just me, is the world.

Quote from BM's blog: "France recently passed a bill to outlaw the promotion of anorexia". Those French, called anorexia and bulimia romantically as ana and mia.

From KennySia's blog, and then to his blog plug, I found this piece of news: Size 16 Beauty Queen. Click: 1 and 2. And I'm having a serious issue with what this HSK person said. But first, let me talk about this size 16 beauty queen.

I think she need to tone up some more, especially her thighs. There are still too many flabs, and she looked huge (okie, she's huge because she's very tall) . I'm not bias against her, why should I, she definitely belong to my circle lor! But then, as a beauty queen, which I really don't know what's wrong with the ang-moh judges, or worse, those people allowing her to pass the preliminary, she just doesn't look good enough, not with her features, she's pretty but is her body. I don't mean she must be skinny, what I mean is she needs to really work out some areas, and maybe 5 more kgs off the scale. But then, I think she said she will be toning up for the Miss England. Woah!

Wah size 16 also can be beauty queen, I also want, I'm size 14! And I'm not ugly!!! =D But I'm a hobbit, =( Her stomach is flatter than me siah! Double sad...

Somehow I think she got lucky because now the world is trying to change the perspective of a healthy body, so she won because she's not skinny, but not obese, on top of a pretty face. They need an ambassador mah.

Back to this HSK person, I was so totally angry with what he/she wrote about size 16 queen, quote from her blog: "okay i mean i am all for women with curves and all that and i do find it disgusting when someone is so skinny they no longer have boobs but there is NO WAY that she is considered healthy."

Beauty queen is healthy okay! A very thin person can be unhealthy too, I had this skinny senior who was down with flu all the time, because to maintain that skinny figure, she ate nothing but bread. Yes, while being fat actually makes more prone to illnesses like high blood pressure, diabetics, but it doesn't mean we are unhealthy, unless we didn't take care of ourselves.

Quote again: "i don't know why ang mo people are so keen to convince themselves that being fat is okay. it's NOT okay to be fat"

Since when being fat is okay in this world deluded with skinnies? The only issue here is whether they (the fat) thinks they are okay or not, and not the world. So if they decide to adhere to the world stupid standards, fine, but if they feel perfectly fine, who is this HSK to judge whether being fat is okay or not?

And for me, even if I lost my weight, I won't be just all skin and bones.

I slept a total of 15 hours, from 3pm to 6am this morning. Damn shiok siah! But then, my back ache so much that it spread to my torso, and I thought I got stomachache.

This is just more proof that my body is getting old, concuss after 2 days of improper sleep coz of my 2 papers which I study last minute. Last semester I could still do it for 4 days. This semester totally CMI after 2 days.

First thing after exam end: detox. Been eating a lot lately, haiz... screwed up body.

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