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Thursday, April 17, 2008

To all women who have the irritating fat stomach problem despite having stick man figure

Do not drink cold water.

It's really not healthy. Remember the good old advice our mother gave when we first have our period: do not drink cold water if not your period will become heavier.

Turned out that our vagina is afraid of cold, hence whenever we drink cold water, the vagina will tell the brain: Sibeh cold down here, can send fats to me or not.

Hence, the accumulation of the irritating fats that stubbornly refused to go away despite doing 1000 sit ups everyday. They were sent down there to give warm to the V.

And drinking too much cold water or beverages will also cause very bad stomach cramps, I think it is a way of your vagina of complaining: stop giving me cold water.

I noticed I get very bad stomach cramps when I drink cold stuffs near my period, the worst when I downed some alcoholic drink last year during FOC nite. Hence, I limit my cold stuff input. And this is why keeping track of your period is so important, not just to check whether how delayed it was, or how safe it is for having sex. It is important to keep cold stuffs away from your diet during the pre-one week menstrual cycle.

While it is impossibly to keep our mouths away from those delicious cold desserts, limit it.
I've been up for 12 hours and I did no reading for my paper tomorrow. Damn power lor!

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