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Monday, October 10, 2005

My bed collaspe

Very good lor... my "last" night at home also cannot let me sleep in peace. My bed collasped, for the second time. Bo pian, have to sleep in my sister's room, coz it's bigger. Little Jamie also had to squeeze with us, coz Dad was at home, so Jamie can't sleep with Mum. So she had to share the pathetic floor space with me, or rather, I have to share with her.
By the time I went to sleep, Jamie the Terror had "invaded" the bottom half of my mattress. I had no choice but to sleep sideways so that I won't kick her or something. 大错特错。。。She's the one who kicked me, whined at night, snuggled against me, snatched my pillows, snatched my bolster, tickled me with her hair, knocked my stomach with her head... poor me can! I did not have a good night's sleep.
This morning, I complained to Mum. Mum's answer was very kawaii: "Orh... She must have thought you were me when she sensed your 'bahu'." My bahu? Her nose must be as sensitive as a bloodhound pup eh...

no... my sis is not as wrinkled as this pup...

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