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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Typical Singaporean

I was going to buy lunch in Canteen B when the fire alarm ranged crazily. Most of the people just tuned to the direction where the sound came from, then they navigated their heads around to check out any fire or smoke.

Probably most of us got so used to the fire drills we had during primary, secondary and maybe JC, in this situations where the fire alarm did activate due to a fire, maybe a small one, our instincts had been fine tuned to tell us this: "Probably wrong activation of the alarm" or "No smoke around, small fire niah". So, they continued their daily pilgrimage to the canteen.

真是不见棺材不掉泪, ha ha.

Ashamed to say, I was one of them. For me, it was more of "monkey see, monkey do", nobody was in panick, nobody to tell us to move to a safety location, NOBODY to tell us to do ANYTHING. Even if I had to run, let me tabao my lunch first, provided the aunties were still there scooping the rice and veggies.

So typical Singaporean hor, we need to see the arrow before we do anything.

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