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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Colour Award Board

Colour Award Board is an annual ceremony where they gave pretty certs for us, and also to give out the medals to the players who had fought hard during the Dec/Jan Inter-Hall Games.

I was being called down to receive my medal for Darts. After 3 years in Hall 9, the medal somehow marked an beautiful ending for me. Never mind the fact that I didn't help much in winning most of the games, lol.

Anyway, I was being tricked to watch the first 40 minutes of boring cert giveaways, coz my darts IC told me the medals would be given out first. When I reached the canteen (yeap, the ceremony was held there), EEE's Orlando Bloom was there as usual giving his long speech. I made myself comfortable in the middle of the second row. To make things perfect, OB's seat was right in front of me. So I sneaked a picture of him, for my future dart board.

Right after the shot, he was invited to go up and give out the medals and darts was first team, -_-" Nice moment.

FYI, he is our infamous prof in EEE. The students hated him, the other profs loathed him, I think the dean is scared of him. See? His backview is scary enough.

If the chair is alive, it's probably cursing and swearing OB.

You must be wondering why he is the "Orlando Bloom" of EEE when his back view showed 0% similarity, less the front view right? Students sabohed and voted him lor.

Okie, enuff of him. I just found a perfect use for my medal: use as compact mirror.

I should do a post on my trophies and medals one of these days, relish the fond memories behind them. =)

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