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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Shitty Friday

I dunno why I thought the Survivor Reunion was on Fri... So I rushed back from NUS high, took a taxi, only to realise it was telecasted on Monday! Damn... waste my money....
And that chao WT (aka Goldfish) hit me so hard on my flabby arm today, wah lau, hurts like mad. The other guys also kanna stunned but still continued to laugh, biangz... 没风度。 We were joking around when this joker laughed until dunno what went wrong and slapped me hard. I suay suay was standing beside him. Kao, 老娘是不好惹地!Gave him a taste of my 铁纱掌 while he was concentrating on the project. Mu ha ha ha, sweet revenge. Msned him just now why he hit me, didn't give a satisfied answer and only know say sorry. It reminded me of my primary school days when I always fooled around in class in the back row with the boys (er hem, 像当年我是one of the tallest girls in class... -_-''')
借题发挥,do I really behave so boyish har? I just cracked a few lame jokes sometimes, knock knock people a bit, sometimes a bit "ruthless" when commenting people, action a bit chor lor, eat a bit faster blah blah blah, but that does not implies I'm boyish or manly. No matter how "AH" I'm with you (to the boys...) can treat me like a girl or not har, even if "boyish", I'm also a real lady with real tits lor! Until now, I hardly see any close guy friends treating me with gentlemenly behaviour, but to my friends who are "slightly" smaller or lighter me, it's another kind of treatment (okie, exclude Miss Xiao Ding Dang, she sometimes more chor lor than me, so the guys practically chor lor with her also).
Must I wear skirt than you all will realise I'm a girl/lady/woman? !@#$%^&*!"!@#$%^&*!

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