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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Excuse me, I'm not pretty, but I'm not desperate

After reading Princess Diyumi's encounter, I'm also used to face the same problem, got a few freaks in Friendster last year. Why is it that people in any of those friend-making website, guys who come and befriend me are mostly
  1. very fat
  2. very thin
  3. very ugly
  4. very desperate
  5. very psychopathic
  6. a mixture
  7. non-Chinese

I do not condemn these guys (except point 5) if they are really sincere in making friends, but then, too bad, these are the ones who are SOOOOOOOOOO desperate to get their hands up in any girls' skirt that they anyhow hantam DO RE MI single and available girl whom they think the looks/sizes is not attractive enough to the norm guys (norm guys' standard is bamboo + 2 watermelons gal) but they think is OK and assume we will also approve them. Sorry hor, we would not want to walk around with desperate aliens. If ugly girls know how to groom themselves pretty, I don't see why those guys can't make themselves at least look neater and cleaner. Hide ur flaws, brudders! And please, tolong tolong, if character sucks, u look like Tom Cruise/Brad Pitt/Orlando Bloom also no use. Don't really think looks are everything, although to you guys it is.

Note: YOU=those desperate guys

Usually, the first impression we get, no doubt, is from looks. Sorry if you look very sorry, but you could have outshine your appearance with good character like being humorous, brainy, got "ink" (有墨水). Don't blame us if we don't want to talk to you, not because you are ugly, but because you are irritating. I know you don't have girlfriend, never been laid or have to look for prostitutes to get laid (as implied by, "I don't have girlfriend, so pitiful!"), but you also don't have to make yourself like it's really that pitiful without girlfriend, you still have your buddies. If you don't have friends, that means you something wrong. You just make yourself look really stupid with all the desperate tactics like "be my gf wan anot?", "can I date you?", "you single, I also single, perfect!", don't wonder why we don't talk to you next time coz we probably banned you as you had frightened us.

I know we are not pretty by society's standards, but we are gorgeous in OUR OWN standard! So, don't assume being fat = ugly = desperate. Excuse me, I think we girls (exclude bimbos, money grabbers and all black sheep) are more HIGH CLASS than you, we look deep into character and chemistry, and not appearances. Of coz those yandaos gain points for looks, but if they are stupid or himbotic, they lose twice the points. Got it? Ugly, never mind, as long ur character is fine.

Wu Da Lang was grateful he had such a pretty wife Pan Jin Lian and therefore treated her very well, but Jin Lian was attracted to Wu Song and Xi Men Qing coz both of them are more handsome than Wu Da Lang, obviously. Maybe to Xi Men Qing, Jin Lian was only one of all the beauties he flirted with, and Wu Song might find Jin Lian unattractive coz she had made herself a slut by seducing the Xi Men Qing. So moral of story: Looks are not important.

得体就好,不用很好看, 如果是混蛋,好看也没用啦!

And my standard not equal your standard, so don't judge us using your standard!

Pissed Peace, (-_-)Y

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