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Thursday, May 04, 2006

Astronomy Crash Course #1

Shan't spare you all with the simple stuffs, haha, learn everything from scratch, :)
  1. Star: a large glowing ball of gas that generates heat and light thru nuclear fusion
  2. Planet: a relatively large object orbiting a star, shines by refelcted light, can be rocky, icy or gaseous
  3. Moon: residential address of Chang-e, orbits around a planet. (Doesn't Chang-e gets dizzy?)
  4. Asteroid: a relatively small and rocky object that was gonna crash the Earth in Armageddon, and dunno for fuck why they want Bruce Wills to drill a hole in it.
  5. Comet: a relatively small and icy object orbiting a star, the Superstar Hailey's comet visit us every 72 years
  6. Solar system: the sickenings thing we have to memorise in P3 science
  7. Nebular: a "hospital" where birth and death of stars occurs, it's no wonder they will die there since it's cloudy, dusty and with gaseous.
  8. Galaxy: an island of stars held together by gravity and orbiting a common center
  9. Universe: sum of total matter and energy
  10. Atom: microscopic "building blocks" of all chemical elements and Universe (so does our cells made of atoms too?)
  11. Creation of Universe: Big Bang, which made the simplest atoms, then the stars itchy fingers and made more complex atoms, then when they die, they are expelled into the sky and reincarnate as stars again or planets
  12. Cosmic Calendar: If the entire age of universe is 1 calendar year, then 1 month is equivalent to 1 billion real years
  13. Constellation: countries in the sky
  14. Celestial Sky: the "sky" that covers the earth
  15. Ecliptic: path that Sun travels every year, the constellations it pass thru are the Zodiac Signs we are familiar with, thus known as Sun Signs too
  16. Equinox: intersection points of ecliptic and celestial equator
  17. Solstic: point farthest away from from celestial equator
  18. Zenith: Aiyah, just means the the point directly above you lor
  19. Meridian: the irritating point we have to know for Geography
  20. Zodiac: See point 15

That's all, stay tune for #2 at 10pm, not 9pm as scheduled coz I need to eat dinner lah :D

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