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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Stop Button

If a genie really grant me 3 wishes, first on the list will be getting a "Stop" button on Jamie. She just couldn't stop talking/jumping/laughing. Feels so peace in hall... Too peaceful.

One kick I got from working on this current job would be that people thought I owned the shop, eh heh heh heh. On the other hand, do I really look so haggard and old??? Must be my curly hair lah, made me so chao lao. Been having inner fights in me whether to cut or not to cut my hair. Argh...Fringe?

I blog less when I am sibe free, so ironic. I think I need some disturbance (not Jamie, please) so that my brain will move. I need to print my notes, do my FYP, iron my clothes, sweep the floor, study for my test, kill the ants in my room, and what have I been doing? I also dunno. Work, eat, sleep lor.

It's such a small world, a guy from finexis called me, he couldn't remember me, but I remembered him as the rookie financial planner last year when I still worked as a PA. He got my number thru Kim, and ZQ know him too! Sing* it's a small world after all...

Ants attack! Need to get Shieldox tmr...

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