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Thursday, June 14, 2007

My phone is gone!

Shit shit shit shit
Sucks sucks sucks sucks
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
Kanasai kanasai kanasai!

I'm gonna curse the person who stole my phone! Cannot eat, cannot sleep, cannot shit, cannot pee!

My mum is so nonchalant about this, as if I had lost my phones many times. This is the answer she gave me: "Aiyah, never mind lah, you still have so many extra phones" while clicking on the mouse playing her game.

Not the answer I expected, but better than scolding me. I can forsee some nagging from my dad.

But one thing when she told me was quite close to what I suspected, she was telling me that there are thieves are in cahoots, one will act to buy stuffs while the other will stole while the sales assistant is not paying attention. My phone was stolen while I was attending to this maid-alike, and I could sense she was not interested in buying, and ask me really boliao questions. Most importantly, her eyes were shifty! Keep looking behind me! Suspiciouos right?

The stupid policeman OYQ asked 1 really dumb question as their SOP: How long I stayed in Yishun. -_-" I don't understand the logic and I shall not make further comment on this.

KY was so nice when I mether for dinner, upon knowing I lost my phone, she treated me Mac's hot fudge...

The more I think, the angrier I get, thinking how stupid I was. ARGH!!!!

And I just finished collecting all the numbers I deleted in Feb! Thank god I make a copy in my laptop and there are some backups in my 6610.

Why am I not killed for stupidity??!!??

Stupid me.

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