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Sunday, November 19, 2006


Kan Cheong Queen is now officially Kaypoh Queen, coz she knew so much gossip till she even knows what size ur granny's pantie is. Seriously.
We all damn peifu with Kaye's knowledge of gossip within her block to my block, (okie, I told her one), to the degree of “上至天文,下至地理”. She knew which room are couple room, which guy got a lot of ONS and bring gals back to hostel and even know where she stayed. She dropped a big bomb on us when she told us something kinda bad about Ex-roomie's and my eye candy. Anyway, is nothing very big deal also, coz judging from his Swedish background, is no wonder that he flirts around. LOL. She even told us a couple living illegally in the girl's double, wash their bedsheet almost everyday, laugh until we pengz.
Lucky I'm not as nosey as them, coz I am much more nosey! I'm Si Mi Mai Zai. Ha ha.
Anyway, life is sure interesting with Kaye around. =)
Quote of the day: 只要是女人,男人都吃。不管是大鱼,还是小鱼,连fishball也吃!~Ex-roomie