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Sunday, April 01, 2007

I need a part time job

I think I need a part time job to keep me busy and tired at weekends so that I will not have the time to go shopping, it can therapeutic for me as a form of destress from my work, on the other hand, it is mentally exhausting to see my bank statement decreasing at exponential rate.


Jia, please keep me from going out too much.

April's schedule
5th April: DBL O
13th April: Ivy's birthday party
TBC: Pass Xuewei's present

Please try to confine me at home for the rest of April's weekend.

Today is 1st April, so I started a new blog to record my expenditure. I read it somewhere this is a good way to keep track of what you spend and in a way, you'll spend less next time when u see how much you had spent. I shall limit my expenditure each time to limit at $50, including food. I failed terribly for today.

Also, I'll record other miscellaneous like bill payment for internet, handphone or school. Monthly shall not exceed $200 including bills.

I must succeed!

Part time anyone?

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