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Friday, November 11, 2005


I found a lot of surprises set up by Jamie while clearing my room today, damn sweet of her lor... I saw it in my wardrobe, on my study table's drawer, my cabinet, and shelves: 涂鸦!
Who to blame? No one but myself for I had placed 2 markers in my pencil holder. She's very smart, she had chose the colours to match those furniture, and therefore it was so ambiguous that I did not see it until I was clearing my stuffs and wiping the dust. Pengz...
I am so scared of another surprise 2 weeks later, so I'm bringing the markers back to hostel, and I hide whatever things I can hide, if not she will help me to 整容 for them. I pity the cabinets most, for my mum just bought them for me. Aiyoh... 真是一山还比一山高,想当年,我和佳只是用铅笔画我们家的墙,墙脏可以从新粉刷。现在她upgrade用marker pens, 还画在家具上,很难清洗lor... Mum was very amused when I saw all those 涂鸦 one by one, coz I was already like "算了,画都画了。。。"Just when I had calmed down, DING! I saw another one... So she was telling Jamie that I'm scared of her already... haha!
Today accompanied mum to TTSH, the doctor's name was very amusing. He's an Indian, So I expect Muthu, Kumar, Bala then something ends with Napan or Nathan. His name is very zen lor... "Amithabha XXXX" (can't remember the last name). I understand Buddhism originates from India, but Amithabha had always been associated with monks' and nuns' chants mah, so now I saw someone with this name, it's really amusing. Next time I can ask Mum this, "Is your check-up the same doctor as last time, 阿弥陀佛医生?" Anyway, the doc was very nice, very Zen. LOL.
Today whole day din study, jiat lat.... next week got 2 papers... Mon and Wed lor. Stressed!

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