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Sunday, June 01, 2008


每年的六月,家里一定会包粽子, 而且一包就用了七、八公斤的糯米, 大概四公斤的猪肉, 虾米和板栗, 炸油葱。 听起来好像很恐怖,因为材料食粮很多,但大部份是要送给人的, 所以留给自己吃的也剩不多, 差不多20粒左右。

肉粽, 因为上一批的肉粽没有板栗, 所以这次要加进去。嗨。。。我的肚子很为难叻。。。嘴巴馋但又怕吃肥自己。。。看来需要林小妹来督促我去跑步减肥了。

*吉粽: Ghee dumpling, not too sure what it is called in Mandarin, so I named it 吉粽, which is a very very auspicious name too.


Seriously, seriously, I think I have a very big screw loose in me. I wrote a false number down in a financial planner's survey form and I actually told him that was a false number 30 minutes later. I am too trusting to people... The illogical side of me thought it was perfectly logical to inform him that little error I made, not only that, but I honestly told him that I thought he was just going to talk (indirectly meaning "pester") for a few minutes. -_-|||

Wah, is there someone else as honest as me? As truthful as me? As insensitive as I could be. Wah ha ha.


Monday was a busy day for me: I had to clear my hostel room and return key, get my book back from Mr. Calvin, print and zap my CV, transcripts and certs, meet my poly-family. I lugged a big bag stuffed with my hostel stuffs, carrying them the whole day, no wonder I was so tired.

Well, I thought meeting Mr. Calvin would be the highlight of the day, coz it was weeks since we had our common exam paper. And I thought I would once again showed all my nervousness and with the 小鹿乱撞 feeling in front of him. Nervous made me lose myself sometimes, ha, and talking incoherently would be one of the symptoms. Thankfully, I was able to string my words into sentences and I stopped mentioning HRM for once. Miss Ng was all chio mi mi when she saw me talking to Mr. Calvin... so indiscreet. LOL. But then, after the infatuation period, comes the dreadful uncertainty period. In infatuation, I believe everything I feel, believing that he was the one. Now, I am feeling so insecure in many ways and I don't know how to put it. There were friends who encouraged me to make the first move, but hell no way I could, I just don't feel good doing it coz I think I screwed up everything (considering past instances). I rather remain as friends as it is now, and don't think too much.


As from time to time, Ivy was the story teller again, she never failed to amaze with her stories. Can't wait to earn my first pot of money and go holiday with them! Just the girls!

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