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Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Q1. On a rainy day, how do u ensure 2 women & 1 girl(who is one head shorter than the adults), get across from one flat to another flat without being drenched like wet chicken, passing a Sikh temple and a petrol station (which means there is no overhead shelter) with only one small umbrella and at the same time, carrying 2 sacks of 5kg rice, 2 bags of grocery items?

The answer is "Mission Impossible".

Q2. What do you get if the trio do get across using only one umbrella?

The answer is "Two's company, three's a crowd".

I went to help my mum with her grocery shopping after she finished her work. While she was looking at some dumpling leaves, Jamie and I were waiting nearby when rain started to fall. Henceforth, Jamie sang "Rain Rain Go away, little children want to play" hoping the rain would stop.

I told her that she shouldn't sing "little children want to play" coz that wasn't our plight. So she sang, "Rain Rain Come Again, little children don't want to play" and the rain got 5g/cm cubic denser.

Funnily tickled, I said "No, you should sing Rain Rain Go Away, we are dying to go home!" and the rain turned to full blast. -_-|||

So armed with only one umbrella, courtesy of MDIS, our plan was to get Jamie to shelter us from that one flat to another flat, me first followed by Mum. Because I had to carry the 2 sacks of rice, I was totally half drenched on my right side and Jamie's drenched on her left side and my waist down coz I was trying to fit to her height.

It doesn't harm to bring an extra umbrella and close all windows before going out, seriously. Not only were we wet, so was our house.

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