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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Still Jobless

Aiyoyo... Seems like many of my friends had found a job... and I'm still hanging around like a teenage kid.

When I told my mum I am going for interview, she would say, "Aiyah, just go and try lah!" in a tone so irritating. I don't know how to put it, but she seemed to have this hardcoded idea that I am choosy about my first job. I was just telling her that this Wednesday I'm going for a session, and the moment I mentioned it was a recruit agency, she start rattling off, "Just go and try, don't try how you know you don't like the job" blah blah blah the tone she used when I do something wrong.

Oh yeah, I won't forget how she snide at my poly first job, "你那个那里算, 只是你玩玩而已。" Yah right, I slogged like a cow for an ITE pay, really play play for fun only. I didn't even say a word that shows my discontentment about a that interview!!! It's not my fault if 8 of out 10 companies doesn't want me and which made me a slacking parasite.

Bleahz.... How? So difficutlt to squeeze into IT with half IT degree and a useless CCNA.

1 comment:

Richard Jennings said...

I keep seeing unemployment stats go up but I see so many high paying jobs on employment sites I dont get the stats I keep reading:

It seems like demand for talent is still strong.