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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Biting Mood

I'm in an absolute annoying mood: PMS

Hence, this sparked the raging hormonal war in my house right now. What to expect when there 3 women in the household, every month is either a war between either 2 of us or the 3 of us. Number 4 joining us in a few years time.

I tak boleh tahan when Mum chided me for not vacuuming the floor because there were so many hairs. Unwillingly, I mopped the floor with an vengeful force, so that I marked every furniture with a bang.

I don't understand, since she entrusted me with the task, so why should she bother with how I go about doing it? Obviously she must have been confident with how I fare in housework, so why should she be so traumatized with me missing a step in cleaning? And it's those one of those blue moon days where I'm feeling lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to bite something!


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