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Monday, November 24, 2008

Einstein's Riddle

A friend sent me this link: A logical riddle.

I solved it in 20 minutes using grids, which I was appalled at my own accurate answers and speed, considering that Einsteine said 98% of the world can't solve it. I swear I didn't see the answer altho I must admit some luck was involved. Check out the answer, it showed Einstein solving the question with equations! Yeah, he probably took 20 minutes also, like me.

I am so amazed by myself, coz I can be so smart and so goodu at the same time, which makes me: Amazing.

I don't if I am logically inclined or I am behavioral disabled. I made my boss vomit blood all day long by my stupidity at work.

I'm too logical for my own good. Bleahz!

Let me know if you solve it too, at least I know I ain't the only weird kid in the blog. =) EEE student should have no problem lah hor.

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