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Monday, July 28, 2008


I was quite overwhelmed last week, but thinking back, it did not seem so leh....

Mon: Slack (Did I really slack?)
Tues: Submit report, get convo tix and the cert etc, whole day gone
Wed: CONVOCATION! Waiting for all the pretty pics!
Thurs: Interview at STK, half the day gone
Fri: At Godma's house for work, then went to make myself pretty (my nails actually) for the D&D. Damn the tix number 0044 who won the Casio Exilim Camera. Hmpf! 我要那个相机啦!我会永远记得你!讨厌啦!

But then, 那晚俺倒是几爽几shiok一下, 原因来自。。。请看以下照片吧!

My HRM Team... One guy not here. Neh mind, Mr. Hobbes was. :P

Eh... 不要讲得太白, 心知肚明旧就好,ok?

Still waiting for more pics from Wed and Fri that night: Miss Ng, Miss Gwee, got it? Heh!

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