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Thursday, October 30, 2008

饭来张口, 钱来伸手

I read the chinese version article on Wu Qing Kang's 2359, about this girl who carry a LV bag to school and wear Shisedo makeup only. I was trying to find the link, and it so happen that my fren had posted up the article on her blog, link here.

Apparently, the girl in topic was misquote, see her blog here

Well, some facts were twisted to show the whole Singapore, "Wah biang, this girl like that also can ah! Win liao lor, she buay paiseh meh?" when she probably had just a really generous parents in the first place. I had a fren whose parents were indeed like that. She was carrying chanel, prada at age 14!

What we see is very surface, coz the reporter just skimmed whatever essence he/she could and made it into a tasty headline which capture everyone's tongue and wagging. At first glance, we will be thinking, wah, she so good life! Wah, she dunno how to think for her parents meh?

We aren't her and not in her life, so we cannot judge her. Of course, carry an LV bag and wear Shisedo makeup indeed sounds extravagant for a 20 year old. Actually, girls like are all over, just whether who makes the money to buy those objects.

I also want a branded bag if I can afford.

饭来张口, 钱来伸手, who don't want a life like that?

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