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Monday, October 06, 2008


I'm on 2 days MC, so I don't have to apply leave for tomorrow le, which is a good thing. The bad thing is I will look like hamster for the interview tomorrow.

I woke up with a swollen face this morning, horrified to the max. I looked as if I stuffed a da bao inside my left cheek. By noon time, it had reduced to the size of char siew bao. It was the size of ang ku kueh just now, hopefully tomorrow it will diminish to size of chupa chups.

The gum felt rather painful, I woke up at 4am to put some ice to ease the pain so that I could continue sleeping, not to mention the 4 panadols I popped before that. I never take Panadols if I could and last night it was really a last resort, coz it was so painful that I couldn't speak.

It was diagnosed as gum infection, as I'm having my wisdom tooth growing yet I had to choose that area to hit with my toothbrush, hence the area ballooned. I was advised by the doctor to go to a dental surgeon, which was a horrifying idea coz the word surgeon reminds me a man with white mask and hold scalpels! Then the doctor said, he meant dentist, which put a less scary picture in my mind.

So, 一不做二不休,I fixed an appointment on Wednesday evening for dental checkup, after 7 long years. Heh. Iwonder if the doctor will be so spontaneous to extract my tooth on the spot.

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