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Monday, June 08, 2009


I never expected, but R apologized to me, which I never really expected it, and I'm really touched by her gesture and what she said, loosely translated into English: "I'm more attached to you so I don't want you to be angry with me", agak-agak meaning is there lah.

Seriously, she's the second person whom I blahed out in my blog and read my frustrations vomit. The last one who did totally ignore me and treated me like I'm a disease, mind you, he's a first class honors student but had a heart narrower than the space between my nail and nail bed. Self-centred bastard. It's the truth.

Whereas R is as normal as any person and the first thing she thought was to say sorry to me, instead of thinking what a bitch I am.


She's almost 2 years my junior, but her bravery is far bigger than me. Till now, I had yet to say sorry to a fren whom I hurled hurtful words at 2 years ago. Anyway, when R told me why she was feeling 郁郁寡欢 whole day was because she felt sorry to me and she hadn't mean it that way.

R, I'm sorry too, as spoken, those were just moments of anger, well, not exactly angry anger, more like utterly shocked anger, and I'm glad we talked about it.


Still I wished I could be as slim as you. Heh. No trouble buying clothes. Heh.

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