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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Selling weapons but not allowed to kill

Since Mon and Wed are dedicated to swimming, my colleagues and I went jogging on Tuesday.

After a 3 rounds jog and X rounds of walking & chatting, WSNN and I dropped by the MRT station to top our ezlink cards. Before we made our way back, WSNN went to the bakery, wanted to buy the next day's breakfast for herself. And both of us were seduced by the sushi roll bread, which looked ultra delicious. We decided to share.

After getting the lady to cut it into halves and packed separately, we made our way out to the other exit of the station and started devouring the sushi bread. It wasn't until I was finishing our last mouthful of it, when WSNN exclaimed, "We can't eat!".

Just as I was about to muffly ask why, with the rolls busy rolling inside my mouth, she continued exclaiming: "We in MRT station!"

OMGGM! We totally forgot we were not supposed to eat inside the control station. As we were nearing the exit, we doubled up, hastily covering up that we were eating.

When we were out of the range of "No eating", WSNN angrily commented, "Stupid lor, this is like selling weapons to us but telling us cannot kill. So stupid. Shouldn't rent stalls for food mah if don't want us to eat!"

She indeed made a wonderful point.

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