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Saturday, January 02, 2010

New Year Resolutions

Lol, my last new year resolution was in 2007!

That's like 2 years ago!

Setting up new year resolutions again.. bit of same old things really. But 2010 kind of mark a new start, especially with a new job (officially it was 8 months ago, but technically, I'm only starting now, being posted to project site and learning things all over again.) Plus, I'm going to be 26 soon, should really start to achieve some things.
  1. Lose weight! I lost 3 kgs last year, bounced back 2 kg tho during the last week because of overeating, but my swimming really toughen up my flabby a little bit. Now I walked also tired and panting leh, really must cut down my extra kilos already.
  2. Be diligent. I still owe my boss the website which was due last year last day. Must chope chope finish already lah. Considering the lack of internet resources in the office, I shall diligently do my research at home.
  3. Manage my finance, control them! Spend too much last year lah, My savings is so pitiful. Going HK in April somemore.
  4. Be more responsible in anything I do I say. Too many empty promises/threats (to Jamie) last year.
  5. Be nice to everyone, especially my family. Last year, my temper flared up too easily. Small things also annoyed.
Things I shall complete/start in 2010.
  1. Run a small 5 km marathon by this year. Gotta start training already I guess.
  2. Do more charity. Be it donation or volunteer work.
  3. Upgrade my IT skills and knowledge. Master course maybe?
  4. Pick up a new skill. I learnt Jap, Driving and Swimming. Maybe Dancing?
  5. Start a small business online, not sure what I am going to sell yet. Thinking of handicrafts.
Ok lah. I have exactly 363 days to see how much I can accomplish.

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