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Monday, November 14, 2011


Omg, what a traveling month, kinda feel how a jet-setter is!!! Got to say, I love it!!!

At Korea, we travelled on our own and I'm really impressed with their subway stations. It's freaking big!!!  I didn't feel this awesomeness when I was in Taiwan. Somehow, their trains system felt very similar, like they got the trains from same vendor.

And their food is so delicious everywhere! Except for a restaurant opened by a celebrity with the initial J.C. Total waste of money.

Even their road stalls tasted very good.  Damn, missed their kimchi.

Hatyai trip was my virgin trip to Thailand. We went to a lot of places to pray, had Thai massage, which was shiokingly painful and shopping!! I also watched the ah kua show which I placed too much hope and ended up disappointed. They looked so glamorous on stage, altho some lipsynced really badly, a few really made an effort to put up the best show. Once show was over, a lot of them, especially those who danced and lip-synced badly but super pretty, were out to grab our money. Little left of any self-respect what a true performer should have. Only one truly bowed and shook hands without showing the money face.

The real main aim was the shopping!!! I bought 2 bags and freaking 4 pairs of shoes. No more place to store them liao. Gotta 乾坤大挪移 the stuff  and 横扫千军 the old items! Really have to be firm and throw away old thing.

I also got really suay, bitter by bees during the praying trip and had diarrhea on the last day. Face was so pale and body was so weak. Jia and Min had to let me rest. So we went Sizzlers and I really slept, on the chair just like that.

I hoped whatever bad things stayed in Hatyai and have a smoother days ahead.

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1 comment:

Fonso said...

This "diarrhea" posting Completely useful..good source, thanks anyway!