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Friday, March 06, 2009

Stupid rain

Spoil my plan... I wanted to go jogging tomorrow morning one!

and I so totally screwed my technical test. Tee simi kee, should have started with the easiest topic, and I chose to start numerically, ended up finishing the last 30 questions in 5 mins!


Took the Singapore Flyer last week, conclusion: spectacular view

Out of boliaoness, I gave 欠扁 questions to a little girl, who coincidentally, by the name of Siqi too, on our way home from the SF trip.

Me: Got a person by the name of Happy, guess Happy's occupation.
Little SQ: Comedian! Clown!
Me: Nope, the answer is Nurse, coz Happi-ness. Guess what's his gender?
Little SQ: Male!
Me, impressed: Wow, you are right, but why leh?
Little SQ: Because man makes woman Happy!

Her answer is perfectly innocent, but context wise, both her grandmother and me just so happened to think of the salah idea lor...

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