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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Random Verbal Vomit

The hair is shitty after washing, starts to curl at all the places. Got to be hardworking and starts blow-drying and brushing them until it's straight!

Stinky Jamie said I had an extra wrinkle, shit her lor! She was also the one who commented my hair very messy and ugly! Hmm...Shall made her do more assessments.

Job hunt sucks... It makes me ponders the past and regrets the remissness

Need to copy my Jap notes again, I forgot all the previous grammar and vocab in stage 1.

Got to fix those torn books, else Jamie will further torture them and we will have to rest the books in peace. She can't stop reading, which I don't know whether it is a good thing. She reads so much that she neglects her homework.

Thinking of an old friend, whom I have not contact for 2 years, I wonder if she still reads this blog.

Need to start my exercise soon, I feel fatter, and I am experiencing pains in my knees, not a very good symptom.

My sandals just kept on getting torn at weird places after I glued it back. Decided to throw for good, wasted my glue.

Had too many random thoughts the whole day, but could not remember what they were. I think my brain is too stagnant, almost like can feel the rust. I need to start thinking.

Got to stop procrastinate again!

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